Tripkay is it is not only a booking portal of tourist accommodation, is a tool for all travel lovers who wish to discover the Spanish Coasts.

To help you find your perfect destination, we have created this destinations guide where we want to share our passion for travel and help those who need it, to find all the information necessary to choose an ideal holiday destination.

Here you will find detailed information about a large number of destinations, from places frequented by many tourists to hidden but charming towns. You will also find attractions, sights, the best beaches, amusement parks, including many photos and videos, as well as tips and a list of the places and essential activities of each destination so you can organize a trip that suits your tastes and needs.

The best way to learn about a place and their customs is to live like a local, stay in a house or apartment and mingle with the locals, shop at the same stores as them, talk, ask… so offers you the perfect alternative to hotels, a cheaper way to travel which will allow you to enjoy at your own pace. In our online platform you will find a wide range of private accommodations of all types, for all tastes and all budgets. Dare to meet Spain! Travel with